The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, considering the protection of natural resources and the environment, raises income levels in rural areas, supports family business activities and small and medium-sized enterprises to ensure agricultural production and agriculture-based industry integration, develops agricultural marketing infrastructure, ensures retrospective traceability, strengthens food safety, creates alternative income sources in rural areas, strengthens rural economic infrastructure, expands the use of new technologies developed for agricultural activities by producers, increases the effectiveness of ongoing rural development activities, and supports investments containing new technologies in 81 provinces by calling for announcements under the title of infrastructure and economic investments.
Project applications to be prepared to realize the investment subjects specified in the Communiqué are made by real and legal persons.
Except for handicrafts and value-added products, real and legal persons who apply must be registered in the registration system determined by the Ministry for applications in the nature of capacity increase, technology renewal and/or modernization before the last application date; and for applications in the nature of new facilities and completion of partially made investments at the latest at the final report stage and their registration must continue until the end of the monitoring period.
For all investments, a) collective companies, limited companies and joint stock companies defined in the Turkish Commercial Code dated 13/1/2011 and numbered 6102, b) agricultural organizations can apply as legal persons.
The organizations specified in the third paragraph can apply for investment subjects related to the fields of activity specified in their establishment statutes/articles of association.
The institutions specified in the third paragraph must have received a decision from their authorized bodies regarding the project application, signing of grant agreements and implementation of the applications before the deadline and must have submitted the document indicating that this decision was received in their project applications. Legal entities applying for all investment projects must be administratively and financially independent from the public. Legal entities must submit a letter of undertaking at the application stage stating that they are administratively and financially independent from the public.
Those other than the real and legal persons specified in the circular and those who perform public duties, civil servants, public workers or academicians working at state universities cannot benefit from the grant support.
Investors who have signed a grant agreement but have not been able to finalize their investment by the date applications are received, investors who have benefited from grant support within the scope of previous circulars but whose projects are in the process of termination cannot benefit from the grant support.
Except for agricultural organizations, if the legal entity partners are real persons, the partners cannot benefit from the grant support as real persons. In addition, if the legal entity partners are legal persons, the legal entity partners cannot benefit from the grant support separately. If real and/or legal persons apply for the grant themselves, the different legal entities/partners they have established or will establish cannot benefit from the grant support separately.
Applications from public institutions and organizations such as provincial special administrations and municipalities, their foundations and union-like organizations and partnerships they are in are not evaluated within the scope of the Program. (5) In accordance with the Collection General Communiqué (Series: A Sequence No: 1) published in the Official Gazette dated 30/6/2007 and numbered 26568, investors with overdue tax debts and overdue premium debts to the Social Security Institution cannot benefit from the grant support.
Upper limits of the grant-based project amount, excluding VAT;
14 Million TL for new facility applications (Maximum grant 7 Million TL)
12 Million TL for partially made investments (Maximum grant 6 Million TL)
10 Million TL for capacity increase, technology renewal, etc. (Maximum grant 5 Million TL)
The lower limit of the grant-based project amount for economic investments is at least 3,001,000 TL.
50% of the grant-based project amount is supported through grants. Applicants are responsible for providing the other 50%.
In rural economic infrastructure investment issues, the grant-based project amount cannot exceed the upper limit of 3,000,000 Turkish Lira. The lower limit of the project amount that is the basis for the grant is 100,000 Turkish Lira.
The applicant must be an SME. Since the aim is to support investment facilities for small and medium-sized economic activities, the total project amount specified in the application ensures the full realization of the investment subject.
Within the scope of the program, project applications prepared for the partial realization of a large project or for its implementation in sections/units are not accepted.
Machine, equipment and construction costs are supported. The project budget is prepared excluding VAT (Value Added Tax).
In the event that the total project amount exceeds the project amount that is the basis for the grant determined in this article, the works belonging to the remaining part must be financed as in-kind contributions by the project owners and completed within the investment period.
81 Provinces are supported, but there are special provincial restrictions for some application areas.
1) Processing, packaging and storage of agricultural products
Investments in medicinal and aromatic plants,
Investments in plant products,
Investments in animal products,
Investments in steel silos,
Investments in cold storage
2) Fixed investment issues for agricultural production;
Investments in closed plant production,
Investments in cattle breeding,
Investments in sheep breeding,
Investments in poultry breeding,
Investments in cultivated mushroom production,
Investments in cattle and sheep slaughterhouses,
Investments in poultry slaughterhouses,
3) Investments in the Use of Renewable Energy Resources
4) Investments in Aquaculture
Aquaculture in the seas,
Aquaculture in inland waters,
Aquaculture in specialized organized industrial zones based on agriculture,
5) Processing, Packaging and Storage of Animal and Plant Origin Fertilizer
Animal origin fertilizer,
Plant origin fertilizer facilities are evaluated within the scope of grant support.
Infrastructure investments for the development of family business activities,
Investments in beekeeping and bee products,
Investments in information systems and education,
Investments in handicrafts and value-added products,
Investments in silkworm breeding,
Investments in aquaculture,
Investments in machinery for agricultural organizations,
Investments in medicinal and aromatic plant cultivation are evaluated within the scope of grant support.
Important Note: There may be some special application conditions in terms of investment subject, investment address, capacity and special conditions of the applicant. Be sure to get detailed information from your consultant.