Comprehensive Target Market Research and Consultancy Services for Your Consulting Company
Our company offers services such as preparation of a comprehensive target market research report specific to you and assignment of a consultant suitable for your product and sector. The full scope of the services we offer in detail is given below:
1. Determination of Target Markets and Countries:
Detailed analysis and reporting of regions with high sales volume.
Comprehensive market research supported by numerical data.
2. Determination of Potential Customers:
Online and physical determination of potential customers in the determined target markets.
Listing, updating and categorizing and reporting potential customers.
3. Preparation of Contact Information List:
Preparation of contact information list of potential and real customers selected after the elimination criteria (phone number, e-mail address, social media, website).
4. Establishment of E-mail Marketing System:
Establishment of e-mail marketing system through potential customer list.
5. Communication and Meetings:
Reaching potential customers via phone calls and other communication channels (WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, etc.).
Forwarding the conversations to the consulting company with a weekly report.
6. Follow-up of Sales and Operational Processes:
Payment when the sale is made and follow-up of the entire operational process.
Follow-up of customs processes and logistics organization.
Controlling the entire process from the products leaving the factory to reaching the customer and reporting it to you.
7. 365 Day Export Management:
Providing support through online or face-to-face meetings between 09:00-19:00 on weekdays.
Our company offers comprehensive target market research and consulting services specific to your consulting company. The scope of these services is detailed below:
1. Target Market Research Report and Consultant Appointment:
Appointment of a consultant suitable for the product and sector.
Determination of target markets and countries.
Detailed analysis and reporting of sales-intensive regions with numerical data.
2. Potential Customer Identification and Contact Information:
Online and physical identification of potential customers in the specified target markets.
Listing, updating and categorizing and reporting potential customers.
Preparation of contact information list of potential and real customers selected after the elimination criteria (phone number, e-mail address, social media, website).
3. E-mail Marketing System and Communication:
Establishing an e-mail marketing system over the potential customer list.
Reaching potential customers via phone calls and other communication channels (WhatsApp, Viber, Skype etc.), sending the conversations to the consulting company with a weekly report.
4. Monitoring of Sales and Operational Processes:
Payment when the sale is made and monitoring of the entire operational process.
Customs process monitoring and logistics organization.
Controlling the entire process from the products leaving the factory to reaching the customer and reporting it to you.
Carrying out 365 days of export management (Providing support through online or face-to-face meetings between 09:00-19:00 on weekdays).
5. Membership and Management of B2B Sites:
Performing and managing membership transactions for B2B sites suitable for product and sector dynamics (B2B site membership fees will be covered by the consulting company).
6. Welcoming Potential Customers:
Welcoming potential customers who want to visit our country at the consulting company or consultant company office.
7. Fair Planning and Participation:
Providing fair planning services and participating together with the consulting company (Expenses will be covered by the consulting company).
8. Corporate Identity Studies:
Catalog, logo, business card design.
Up to 15 pages of catalog translations belong to the Consulting company.
9. Free Project Consulting Service:
Tübitak, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Industry and Technology, KOSGEB.
The number of projects may vary depending on the company's qualifications.
10. Actual Field Research:
Face-to-face meetings with customers in the targeted market or countries, planning each trip for 2-5 days (Consultant expenses belong to the Consultant company).
11. Web Design Service:
Organization in accordance with corporate and export.
12. Free Import Consultancy
13. Dealer/Branch Creation and Overseas Office/Showroom Rental Services
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